2014年6月30日 星期一






本會現正招募有志之士一起創辦本港第一家協作社會企業,以50人為限。有意參與者請與本會聯絡。(Desmond Chan, ytchan.hkg@gmail.com, 9033 4604-請留言)

2014年6月26日 星期四

2014 香港書展活動

研討會/ 講座 | 兒童文化 | 所有活動 | 新書推介會

當“愛讀書會”成為一種生活方式 (講者: 麥小麥、黃佟佟、姚遠東方、曾敏兒)
日期: 7月21日(星期一)
時間: 上午11:00 至 下午12:30
地點: 會議室S222-223

經典讀書會1: 飲江《於是(搬石)你沿街看節目的燈飾》(講者:鄧小樺)
經典讀書會2: Sabriye Tenberken, My Path Leads to Tibet. (講者:莊陳有)
經典讀書會3: 張夏準《富國的糖衣:揭穿自由貿易的真相》(講者:張翠容)
經典讀書會4: 第三波:20世紀末的民主化浪潮 (講者:張鐵志)
白先勇《止痛療傷》、《牡丹情緣》演講會 ( 講者: 白先勇)

行動生活:文學與現實世界 (講者:董啟章、中島京子)

作家作品朗誦會  (講者:嚴歌苓、劉兆玄、金宇澄、吳明益、廖偉棠、陳雪、蔣方舟)
反抗時代的港台文學 (講者: 廖偉棠)
國民黨員毛澤東 (講者: 李敖、李戡)

律師絮語—我的辦案機遇 (講者: 張思之)
微喜哀傷—重寫與重行 (講者: 黃碧雲、鍾曉陽)
文學作為一種抵抗:關於我的創作路與台灣的自然書寫 (講者:吳明益)

一個村莊裡的文學與中國 (講者:閰連科)
下南洋:語言.食物.儀式的碰撞與融合  (講者: 周兵、祝捷、麥天樞)
《繁花》寫出上海故事 (講者: 金宇澄、王家衛)

大陸作家的奢侈與困境 (講者:蔣方舟)
不得不慢:電影《郊遊》的長鏡頭 (講者:蔡明亮)
我的青春記事—從《結拜》這本書談起 (講者: 張瑞昌)

官家主義—中國社會的歷史走向 (講者: 吳思)
小說家的兩個世界 (講者: 陳雪)
從讀書人到寫書人 (講者: 嚴歌苓)

「童心創未來」研究發佈會 暨《孩子有話說》新書發佈會 (講者:鮑逸倫博士)

Where’s Broccoli? Adventure of a Toy Broccoli. 
     ( 講者: Kelly Yang )
Hong Kong through the French Prism of History.  
     ( 講者: Francois Dremeau )
Pray Standing: A Global Life inspired by Family and a Fortune Teller
     (講者: Frank Ling,主持: 香港信報副社長 陳景祥先生 )

The Tragedy of Liberation: A History of the Chinese Revolution, 1945-1957
     (講者:  Frank Dikotter,主持:陶傑)
Nothing to Envy – Uncovering Real Lives in North Korea. 
     (講者: Barbara Demick,主持:張翠容)
Buried Treasure in Children’s Literature + Dialogue with Peter Suart 

The Incarnations: Writing between East and West. 
    (講者: Susan Barker,主持:Juliana Liu, BBC News Hong Kong Correspondent)
Novel Ideas: Hybrid Storytelling & the Art of Collaboration. 
     (講者: Richard Tong & James Ng )
From Novel to Film: Works of Nobel Prize Laureate Mario Vargas Llosa 
     (講者: Mercedes Vazquez)

Chinese Workers in World War One – the Unknown History 
     (講者: Mark O'Neill,主持:陶傑)

Public Session by David Foenkinos 
     (講者:法國電影<一吻巴黎>原著小說作家 David Foenkino,主持:陶傑)
Public Session by Olivier Lebé  
     (講者: 法國得獎小說 作家 Olivier Lebé,主持:Peter Gordon)
Public Session by Lawrence Osborne 
     (講者:英國著名作家 Lawrence Osborne,主持:Peter Gordon)
曾鈺成談英語-人生 (講者:曾鈺成、林沛理)

阿仔阿囡Gogogo : 一家大細遊香港 (講者: 王思澄)
遊古蹟 學通識: 鑑古知今 觸類旁通的學習方法 (講者: 黃家樑)
子女背後的成功爸媽 (講者: 鄧藹霖)

數理與人文 (講者: 丘成桐教授)
與孩子一起成為精明網絡使用者 (講者: 李月蓮博士)

0-8歲幼兒成長需要 (講者: 孫慧玲、鄭佩華、劉舜卿)
新世代兒童及青少年精神壓力與健康 (講者: 陳國齡醫生)

註: 本清單並未涵蓋全部活動資料,請到相關網頁瀏覽詳細及最新內容。上述資料只供參考,如有編輯錯誤敬請原諒。

2014年6月25日 星期三

MIT Open CourseWare

MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity.

Homepage | Courses


Coursera 是一個教育平台,它與全世界最頂尖的大學和機構合作,提供任何人可學習的免費在線課程。


EdX offers interactive online classes and MOOCs from the world’s best universities. Online courses from MITx, HarvardX, BerkeleyX, UTx and many other universities. EdX is a non-profit online initiative created by founding partners Harvard and MIT.

Hompage | Courses

2014年6月18日 星期三

Persons and Things

It is 3:00 a.m., and your college roommate asks you why you are up late pondering moral dilemmas involving runaway trolleys.

“To write a good paper in Ethics 101,” you reply.
“But why write a good paper?” your roommate asks.
“To get a good grade.”
“But why care about grades?”
“To get a job in investment banking.”
“But why get a job in investment banking?”
“To become a hedge fund manager someday.”
“But why be a hedge fund manager?”
“To make a lot of money.”
“But why make a lot of money?”
“To eat lobster often, which I like. I am, after all, a sentient creature. That’s why I’m up late thinking about runaway trolleys!”

This is an example of what Kant would call heteronomous determination – doing something for the sake of something else, for the sake of something else, and so on. When we act heterogeneously, we act for the sake of ends given outside us. We are instruments, not authors, of the purpose we pursue.

Kant’s notion of autonomy stands in stark contrast to this. When we act autonomously, according to a law we give ourselves, we do something for its own sake, an end in itself. We cease to be instruments of purposes given outside us. This capacity to act autonomously is what gives human life its special dignity. It marks out the difference between persons and things….

Sandel, J. Michael (2009) Justice: What’s the right thing to do? New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

2014年6月16日 星期一

哈佛公開課 :正義 – 一場思辨之旅

日期 2014 75日(星期六)[第4-5講]
時間:7:00 – 9:00 PM
地點: (6:00-7:00 城大茶餐廳集合)
聯絡:Desmond Chan 9033 4604

Markets and Morals
簡介:這是哈佛大學政治學教授Michael Sandel的公開課,全課程共12講。(本課主要探討巿場及其引起的道德問題,其中包括John Locke 的理論。 (參加者請於出席前從Youtube觀看有關錄影片段,或閱讀《正義》第四章。)
           Michael Sandel (2012) What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets.

報名請留下聯絡電話及姓名,聚會時間地點如有更改當另行通知。Please leave your name and mobile number for contact. Separate notice shall be given should there be any changes on gathering location and time.)

2014年6月10日 星期二

Solution on Wheel 言論自由行

黃永(黃伯康)先後於劍橋大學獲取工商管理碩士及倫敦大學取得法律學士。2002 2006 年間,任職安可顧問有限公司,主力政策研究。在 2007 年黃伯康任商業電台策劃總監,主力負責管理雷霆 881 商業一台,並以藝名「黃永」任《在晴朗的一天出發》節目主持。

期間,習得歐美新聞新思潮「解困新聞學」(Solution Journalism)以及新興的社會企業營運模式。遂決定離開商台,並結合兩者創立社會企業媒體「言論自由行」,並出任行政總裁。沒有預設立場,希望以持平公正態度,廣言納聽,服務社會,積極推廣「解困新聞學」,回應時局,尋找各種問題的解答之道。不論深水埗還是深水灣,西貢還是西環,東涌還是鰂魚涌,我們運用流動平台自由行各社區,主動出擊誠徵你的意見,透過4G LTE傳訊科技,將答案廣告天下,與你互動,共同尋找解決方法。



Vincent Wong has been trained to think creatively and critically ever since he was young. He got an MBA and an LL.B. from the Cambridge University and University of London respectively. Between 2002 and 2006, he worked for APCO Consulting in its policy research arm. By 2007, Vincent was appointed as the Director of Strategic Planning of HK Commercial Broadcasting, and hosts the daily talkshow “On a Clear Day”.

Vincent Wong is the founder and currently the Chief Executive Officer of Solution-On-Wheels, a social enterprise dedicated to promoting solution journalism in Asia.

Practitioners of solution journalism present social issues through a "solution frame" rather than a "problem frame", focusing on the practical and human elements of social innovation, i.e. who's solving what and how. Solution-On-Wheels is a new type of media that aims at exploring new ways of public engagement.

Using 4G LTE mobile technology, this mobile studio will enable us to conduct community focus groups around town -- bringing "town hall meetings" to the people.

Our services include:
1. Moving Video Studio
2. Mobile Public Forum
3. Conference Facilitation service
4. Video Live Broadcast by 4G
5. Documentary Shooting
6. Focus Group Research
7. Mobile Press Conference
8. Public Engagement Event Design
9. Outdoor Movie Projection
10. Outdoor Sound system

11. Video / Audio / Text / Web-Base / e-book / Print outputs

網頁 website | Facebook Page

2014年6月7日 星期六


日期 2014 628日(星期六)
時間:下午3:00-5:00 (4:00-5:00 集思會)
地點:九龍塘 歌和老街公園
聯絡:Desmond Chan 9033 4604 (請留言)


本月讀書會敍會地點:樂融雅敍 Café Cornwall
樂融雅敍由循道衛理楊震社會服務處創辦,從1996年起開始經營, 自負盈虧透過營運咖啡館為弱能人士提供就業機會。


2014年6月4日 星期三



最近的全球暢銷書”Capital in the Twenty-First Century”一紙風行,在在顯示出全球經濟分配問題正是當下最受關注的問題。另一方面香港本土主義最近風起雲湧。社會運動的各家各派都得表態自己對本土的立場。新移民、自由行長期佔據了各大傳媒的版面。這是否一種矛盾?如果我們深入理解,或許會發現各地的本土主義,正是對全球化的一種反應。資金的全球化,人口的全球流動是否經得起正義的拷問?如果全球化正在違反正義的要求,本土主義就可能是對全球化壓迫的抵抗。本土主義不應該是以自利和保守為論述,也可以爭取自由與平等,是有關正義的運動。我們立足而為香港人,要理解本土,也要對全球正義有所思考。


Do your relationships promote the actualization of your potential? 
Do your relationships result in identifying your talents and abilities and developing them to the fullest extent possible? 
Your answers are an important indicator reflecting the quality of your relationships.

Self-actualization is the drive to actualize your potential and take joy and a sense of fulfillment from being all that you can be. You discover what your talents and abilities are in your interpersonal relationships. How other people respond tells you whether you can sing, paint, act, run quickly, learn quickly, or understand difficult concepts. Once you being to actualize your potentialities, you need to be time competent and autonomous.

To be time competent
To be time competent is to tie the past and the future to living fully in the present. The self-actualized person appears to be less burdened by guilt, regrets, and resentments from the past than is the non-self-actualized person, and the self-actualized person’s aspirations tend to be tied realistically to present goals.

Neither inner-directed nor outer-directed
Self-actualization is also dependent on being autonomous. Autonomy is the ability to understand what others expect in any given situation and to be free to choose whether or not to meet their expectations. Autonomous people have internalized the love, support, and acceptance of others so they can apply values and principles flexibly in order to act in ways that are appropriate to the current situation. They are neither inner-directed, that is, controlled by a small number of values and principles set early in life that are rigidly adhered to no matter what the situation is like, nor outer-directed, that is, controlled by others’ expectations and pressure to conform.

Respond in flexible and appropriate ways
In making decisions concerning what behavior is appropriate in a situation, autonomous people tend to consider both their own internal values and the expectations of other people and then respond in flexible and appropriate ways. Autonomy is the result of the internalization of values derived from previous caring and supportive relationships (internalized values provide guides for appropriate behavior and self-approval) and the acquisition of social skills and social sensitivity (which provide accurate understanding of others’ expectations for one’s behavior).

In addition to interpersonal effectiveness and self-actualization, interpersonal skills are keys to living a happy and healthy life – a high-quality life.

David W. Johnson (2014) Reaching Out: Interpersonal Effectiveness and Self-actualization. Boston: Pearson. P.63.