
小工具 Tools | 練習 Exercises | 測驗 Tests

沙維亞每日心情簡報 Daily Temperature Reading by Satir


Sentence Completion Technique by Nathaniel Branden
Sentence Completion 1 | Sentence Completion 2

Books 圖書

Fromm, Erich (1956) The Art of Loving

Peck, Scott M. (1978) The Road Less Travelled. (audio)

Video 影片

The Essentail Erich Fromm Film - to be released in 2014

Erich Fromm - Equality and Happiness

Erich Fromm - To Have or To Be?

Erich Fromm - The automaton Citizen and Human Rights

Erich Fromm - The Mike Wallace Interview (1958-05-25)

Erich Fromm Interview Excerpt (YouTube) - 10 episodes
        1. 4 episodes of an interview
        2. "How can Conflicts be resolved without war", 5 Lectures
        3. Erich Fromm über den angepassten Menschen (German, 1 episode)

Articles/Periodicals/Reports 文章/期刊/報告

主頁| 認識情緒健康相關連結 | 專業訓練 | 自助教材

成長加油站 (articles) | 互動平台 Mail Box

論壇 | 熱點話題 | 愛家雜誌


基督教宣道會輔導成長中心 - 專題分享
婚前的三個迷思 | 因型施教 | 學習尊重從心開始 | 金融海嘯的反思及自處
玩具與孩子發展需要 | 珍貴時刻 | 與壓力共舞




Edo Journal of Counselling

European Journal of Counselling Psychology, The

International Journal of Psychology and Counselling

Social Science Research Network (Abstract & fee-based full articles)

Selected Open Course 精選公開課程 (MOOC 慕課)

Personal Growth 個人成長
香港浸會大學-學生事務處 - 網上成長課程 連結
University of Michigan - Introduction to Personal Psychology Link
Tufts University - Promoting Positive Development Among Youth Link
Oxford - The New Psychology of Depression Link
The Open University - Challenging Ideas in Mental Health Link
Harvard University - Justice by Michael Sandel (哈佛公開課:正義) Link
Harvard University - Positive Psychology by Tal Ben-Shahar (哈佛公開課:幸福課) Link
University of Pennsylvania - Foundation of Positive Psychology (預計2017年2月開始) Link

Relationship, Marriage & Family 兩性關係 | 婚姻 | 家庭
OCW蒙特雷大學 - 愛的培養 Link
MIT OpenCourseWare - Philosophy of Love in the Western World Link
University of Notre Dame- Ancient Wisdom and Modern Love Link
Brigham Young University - Dating-Romance and Reason Link
Utah State University - Marriage and Family Relationships Link
Umass Boston - Substance Abuse and the Family Link

Community Building 社群建立
UC Berkeley - Peace and Conflict Studies Link
MIT OpenCourseWare - Community-owned Enterprise and Civic Participation Link
MIT OpenCourseWare - Negotiation and Conflict Management Link

Other Resource by Subject
Collaborative Leadership
Community Tool Box webpage
Innocentive webpage

Civil Society
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (2008) A Handbook for Civil Society. pdf
