黃永(黃伯康)先後於劍橋大學獲取工商管理碩士及倫敦大學取得法律學士。2002 至 2006 年間,任職安可顧問有限公司,主力政策研究。在 2007 年黃伯康任商業電台策劃總監,主力負責管理雷霆 881 商業一台,並以藝名「黃永」任《在晴朗的一天出發》節目主持。
期間,習得歐美新聞新思潮「解困新聞學」(Solution Journalism)以及新興的社會企業營運模式。遂決定離開商台,並結合兩者創立社會企業媒體「言論自由行」,並出任行政總裁。沒有預設立場,希望以持平公正態度,廣言納聽,服務社會,積極推廣「解困新聞學」,回應時局,尋找各種問題的解答之道。不論深水埗還是深水灣,西貢還是西環,東涌還是鰂魚涌,我們運用流動平台自由行各社區,主動出擊誠徵你的意見,透過4G LTE傳訊科技,將答案廣告天下,與你互動,共同尋找解決方法。
Vincent Wong has been trained to think
creatively and critically ever since he was young. He got an MBA and an LL.B.
from the Cambridge University and University of London respectively. Between
2002 and 2006, he worked for APCO Consulting in its policy research arm. By
2007, Vincent was appointed as the Director of Strategic Planning of HK
Commercial Broadcasting, and hosts the daily talkshow “On a Clear Day”.
Vincent Wong is the founder and currently
the Chief Executive Officer of Solution-On-Wheels, a social enterprise
dedicated to promoting solution journalism in Asia.
Practitioners of solution journalism
present social issues through a "solution frame" rather than a
"problem frame", focusing on the practical and human elements of
social innovation, i.e. who's solving what and how. Solution-On-Wheels is a new
type of media that aims at exploring new ways of public engagement.
Using 4G LTE mobile technology, this mobile
studio will enable us to conduct community focus groups around town -- bringing
"town hall meetings" to the people.
Our services include:
1. Moving Video Studio
2. Mobile Public Forum
3. Conference Facilitation service
4. Video Live Broadcast by 4G
5. Documentary Shooting
6. Focus Group Research
7. Mobile Press Conference
8. Public Engagement Event Design
9. Outdoor Movie Projection
10. Outdoor Sound system
11. Video / Audio / Text / Web-Base /
e-book / Print outputs
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