As I look for real,
sustainable solutions to the poverty and lack of opportunity I see every day
during my work at Operation HOPE, I have come to a strange conclusion: We have
most likely locked up and thrown away the key to some of the very character
traits that are required to stand up a community, create an emerging market and
jobs, and grow local economies. We have actually tossed away the portion of
society that we need to save it, leaving the elderly, the infirm, the young,
broken families, or the traditional job striver to save a faltering community.
What would happen if
all of these otherwise brilliant young people, whose main role models for “success”
in their communities are drug dealers, rap stars or athletes, instead were
given a proper business model or a business internship? Maybe it would change
Bryant H. John
(2014) How the poor can save capitalism: rebuilding the path to the middle
class. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., p.4-5.