Social Capital harbours at least three dimensions: bonding,
bridging, and linking.
It refers
to intra-group, internal or inclusive “bonding” among homogeneous relationships
within a family, group or community. It promotes reciprocity and help
mobilising solidarity. It usually provides a sense of belonging which fulfils
the immediate needs for belonging, love, emotional support and solidarity.
It refers to inter-group or external “bridging” connecting
diverse social groups or heterogeneous relationships between different
families, groups and communities. Bridging social capital enhance mobilization
of external resources and information diffusion.
It refers to a vertical relation that helps individuals gain
access to resources from formal institutions for social and economic development.
In linking social capital, individuals or groups forge “alliance with
sympathetic individuals in position of power… in order to leverage resources,
ideas and information from formal institutions beyond the community.” This thus
opens up access to jobs, opportunities, advice, and other resources.
Abstracted from Chong and Ng (2010), Bridging Social Captial
– Theories and Practice. In Ng, S.H., Leung Y.L, and Prakash Brahm (Eds.), Social Capital in Hong Kong: Connectivities
and Social Enterprise. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press.