獨立媒體(independent media)在香港由來已久,自六、七十年代開始已有人籌辦。因為種種環境因素,本港的獨立媒體相較不少地區如台灣、韓國等,仍未算蓬勃。然而,近年隨著 互聯網技術發展,個人及小團體也有資源加入這股新媒體的大潮,開拓出一個強調多元、直接參與的媒體時代。
media has a long history in Hong Kong. In fact, local intellectuals and
activists have been publishing independent magazines since the 1960s. However,
due to various sociopolitical factors, the independent media sector is not as
flourishing as in such places as Taiwan and Korea. In recent years, as a result
of the advancement of the Internet and communications technology, individuals
and small organisations with limited resources have begun utilising new
electronic media, bringing about a new media era characterised by diversity and
direct participation.
Kong In-media is the foremost organisation in Hong Kong which aims to propel an
independent media movement. Since inmediahk.net was established in 2004, we
have grown into one of the most influential citizen media in Hong Kong.