豐盛社企學會是一非牟利組織, 旨在成為香港社企運動之意見領袖。透過客觀的應用研究, 出版刊物及專業培訓, 為熱心參與香港社企運動之人士提供適切的洞見, 智慧及管理知識。本學會是由基督教豐盛社會企業有限公司於2011年成立, 它為全港首間社企於2008年成功集資, 鼓勵責任消費(2009年)及推動知識型義工參與社企運動 (2010年)。
Fullness Social Enterprises Society (FSES)
is non-profit organization aiming to be the opinion leader in the social
enterprises movement in Hong Kong. Through applied research, publication, and
dedicated training, FSES provides insight and intelligence to social
enterprises practitioners in Hong Kong. The Society was set up by Fullness
Christian Social Enterprise which was the first social enterprise to raise
capital through issuing stocks in 2008, promoting responsible consumption in
2009, and advocating knowledge volunteering in 2010.
豐盛髮廊 Fullness Salon