2014年4月30日 星期三



有些社會學家試著以社會資本(social capital)來解釋信任對整體經濟造成的影響。一個經濟體如果擁有較多的社會資本,生產力會較高,就像擁有較多人力資本或實體資本的經濟體那樣。信任,正是社會資本所有概念的基礎;人們能夠滿懷自信,相信會在保有尊嚴的情形下受到公平對待。為此,他們會有所回報。



摘錄自史迪格里茲  Joseph E. Stiglitz (2012),《不公平的代價:破解階級對立的金權結構》,頁154-156。台灣:天下。


社會創業精神”Social Entrepreneurship”的一個翻譯。這裡說一個,是因為在台灣、大陸、新加坡,甚至在香港,也有其他譯法。這個名詞在英語世界的出現,也只有大約30年的歷史,一般公認是由美國愛創家基金會的創辦人------戴爾登(Bill Drayton)所創,意思是指運用創業精神來創辦事業去解決社會問題這裡有三個關鍵元素:




一般人有這樣的一個錯覺,以為社會創業者創辦的一定是社會企業,但事實並非如此。創辦的可以是志願機構、慈善機構、合作社、牟利機構,或是任何形式的混合型組織(hybrid organization)。簡單的說,社會創業者最關心的是社會問題的解決,會因地、因時制宜,選擇最適合的組織形式來實踐其社會使命。但話又得說回來,近年來世界各地不少社會創業者確實傾向採用社會企業這個形式,最主要的原因是它最有能力創造自己的收入及利潤,達至自我延續的作用,而不像其他組織形式,往往要靠捐款、贊助或資助來維持。


2014年4月28日 星期一


日期 2014 53日(星期六)[第二講]
地點:油塘 鯉魚門體育館活動室 (6:45 油塘地鐵站A出口集合)
聯絡:Desmond Chan 9033 4604

簡介:這是哈佛大學政治學教授Michael Sandel的公開課,全課程共12講。本課以一個十九世紀著名的船難法律案例,來介紹功利主義哲學家Jeremy Bentham的理論。案例講述在海上漂十九天後,船長決定殺死他們當中最孱弱的打雜少年,並以他的血肉維生。 (參加者請於出席前從網上Youtube觀看有關錄影片段)

報名請留下聯絡電話及姓名,聚會時間地點如有更改當另行通知。Please leave your name and mobile number for contact. Separate notice shall be given should there be any changes on gathering location and time.)

Barefoot College

Since its inception, the long term objective of the Barefoot College has been to work with marginalized, exploited and impoverished rural poor, living on less than $1 a day, and lift them over the poverty line with dignity and self respect. The dream was to establish a rural college in India that was built by and exclusively for the poor.

What the rural, impoverished and marginalized think important is reflected and internalized in the beliefs of the College. The Barefoot College is one of the few places in India where Mahatma Gandhi’s spirit of service and thoughts on sustainability, are still alive and respected.

Barefoot Approach:

Sophisticated technology be used in rural India
The Barefoot College has demystified technologies and decentralised their uses by transferring the access, control, management and ownership of sophisticated technologies to rural men and women, who can barely read and write. The College believes that even uneducated poor have the right to use technologies to improve their life and skills.

Difference between Literacy and Education
The Barefoot College believes that ‘literacy’ is what one acquires in school, but ‘education’ is what one gains from family, traditions, culture, environment and personal experiences. Both are important for individual growth. At the College, everyone is considered an education resource, the teacher as well as the student and the literate as well as illiterate. Therefore, the Barefoot College is a radical departure from the traditional concept of a ‘college’.

A Belief in the Equality of Women.
The Barefoot College has struggled to train village women, in areas that have traditionally been dominated by men. Since 1972, more than 6,525 unassuming housewives, mothers & grandmothers, midwives, farmers, daily wage labourers and small shopkeepers, who represent the profile of rural women from poor agricultural communities, have been trained as Barefoot midwives, handpump mechanics, solar engineers, artisans, weavers, balsevika (crèche teachers), parabolic solar cooker engineers, FM radio operators and fabricators, dentist, masons, and day and night school teachers. Women who are single mothers, middle-aged, divorced, physically challenged or illiterate are prioritised for training over others because they need the employment opportunity and income the most.

Irrational Desires

Although the pleasure derived from the satisfaction of genuine physiological needs and of irrational psychic needs consists in the relief from tension, the quality of the pleasure differs significantly. The physiologically conditioned desires such as hunger, thirst, and so on, are satisfied with the removal of the physiologically conditioned tension, and they reappear only when the physiological need arises again; they are thus rhythmic in nature. The irrational desires, in contrast, are insatiable. The desire of the envious, the possessive, the sadistic person does not disappear with its satisfaction, except perhaps momentarily. It is in the very nature of these irrational desires that they can not be “satisfied.” They spring from a dissatisfaction within oneself. The lack of productiveness and the resulting powerlessness and fear are the root of these passionate cravings and irrational desires. Even if man could satisfy all his wishes for power and destruction, it would not change his fear and loneliness, and thus the tension would remain. The blessing of imagination turns into a curse; since a person does not find himself relieved from his fears, he imagines ever-increasing satisfactions would cure his greed and restore his inner balance. But greed is a bottomless pit, and the idea of the relief derived from its satisfaction is a mirage. Greed, indeed, is not, as is so often assumed, rooted in man’s animal nature but in his mind and imagination.

We have seen that the pleasures derived from the fulfillment of physiological needs and neurotic desires are the result of the removal of painful tension. But while those in the first category are really satisfying, are normal, and are a condition for happiness, those in the latter are at best only a temporary mitigation of need, an indication of pathological functioning and of fundamental unhappiness. I propose to call the pleasure derived from the fulfillment of irrational desires “irrational pleasure” in contradistinction to “satisfaction,” which is the fulfillment of normal physiological desires.

Erich Fromm (1947) Man for Himself: An Inquiry into the Psychology of Ethics. p.188-189.

2014年4月27日 星期日

Unfolding human potentialities

The aim of humanistic ethics is not the repression of man’s evilness but the productive use of man’s inherent primary potentialities. Virtue is proportional to the degree of productiveness a person has achieved. If society is concerned with making them productive and hence with creating the conditions for the development of productiveness. The first and foremost of these conditions is that the unfolding and growth of every person is the aim of all social and political activities, that man is the only purpose and end, and not a means for anybody or anything except himself.

The productive orientation is the basis for freedom, virtue, and happiness…As we have shown, the wish to make productive use of his powers is inherent in man, and his efforts consist mainly in removing the obstacles in himself and in his environment which block him from following his inclination. Just as the person who has become sterile and destructive is increasingly paralyzed and caught, as it were, in a vicious circle, a person who is aware of his own powers and uses them productively gains in strength, faith, and happiness, and is less and less in danger of being alienated from himself; he has created, as we might say, a ’”virtuous circle.” The experience of joy and happiness is not only, as we have shown, the result of productive living but also its stimulus…Every increase in joy a culture can provide for will do more for the ethical education of its members than all the warnings of punishment or preaching of virtue could do.

Erich Fromm (1947) Man for Himself: An Inquiry into the Psychology of Ethics (p.231-232)

2014年4月26日 星期六

Economic and Social Criteria of Social Enterprise

OECD identified a set of key economic and social elements that help define social enterprise across national differences:

Economic Criteria:

  1. Unlike traditional non-profit organisations, social enterprises are directly engaged in the production and/or sale of goods and services (rather than predominantly advisory or grant-giving functions)
  2. Social enterprises are voluntarily created and managed by groups of citizens. As a result, while they may receive grants and donations from public authorities or private companies, social enterprises enjoy a high degree of autonomy and shareholders have the right to participate (‘voice’) and to leave the organisation (‘exit’);
  3. The financial viability of social enterprises depends on the efforts of their members, who are responsible for ensuring adequate financial resources, unlike most public institutions. Social enterprises therefore involve a significant level of economic risk; 
  4. Activities carried out by social enterprises require a minimum number of paid workers, even if they may combine voluntary and paid workers. 

Social criteria:
  1. Social enterprises are the result of an initiative by citizens involving people belonging to a community or to a group that shares a certain need or aim. They must maintain this dimension in one form or another
  2. Decision making rights are shared by stakeholders, generally through the principle of ‘one member, one vote’. Although capital owners in social enterprises play an important role, decision-making power is not based on capital ownership;
  3. Social enterprises are participatory in nature, insofar as those affected by the activities (the users of social enterprises’ services) are represented and participate in the management of activities. In many cases one of the objectives is to strengthen democracy at local level through economic activity;
  4. Social enterprises include organisations that totally prohibit the distribution of profits and organisations such as co-operatives, which may distribute their profit only to a limited degree. Social enterprises therefore avoid profit maximising behaviour, as they involve a limited distribution of profit.
  5. Social enterprises pursue an explicit aim to benefit the community or a specific group of people. By doing so, they directly and indirectly promote a sense of social responsibility at local level.

2014年4月25日 星期五



一)  招收對象:自願入社,不論年齡、宗教、社會地位、學歷、背景,只要參與者接受作為社員的責任、皆可入會。
二)  決策權威:民主式經營。合作社是個民主的組織,完全由社員來經營。社員共同參與與制訂社內的方向、發展,並一同決策。依從一人一票實踐民主精神。
三)  財產:有部分的資金,應為合作社員共同的財產。社員通常只收取工資,而把多出的盈餘轉用到以下方向,包括:設立儲備基金來促進合作社的發展;提供社員的學習活動、捐贈社會上有需要的團體、舉辦推廣活動等。
四)  自主與自立:合作社是由社員所主導的,是一個自主又自助的團體。即使與其他組織合作,也會維持本身的自主性。
五)  發展前景、機遇及培訓:合作社為社員提供教育及培訓的機會,這樣她們可對合作社發揮更多的心力。合作社也會讓一般社會人士、大學師生了解合作社的性質及有益之處。
六)  强大聯盟:各合作社會相互合作,來强化合作社運動,積極參與由多個合作社組成的香港合作社聯盟。
七)  關心社會:合作社致力於社區的永續發展,其方針由社員認可,而女工合作社的方向就是關心基層工友權益,推動婦女平等參與的機會,及為社會注入關心基層的元素。

摘錄自: 陳鳳儀 (2013) <女工合作新天地>,《不一樣的香港社會經濟:超越資本主義社會的想像》,頁111-130,商務印書館:香港。

2014年4月20日 星期日



一)  以人為本:經濟為人人,人人做經濟,每一個人也可得到有保障及尊嚴的生活,也可自主地參與經濟活動,免受高地價等不公平競爭所制約;
二)  立足社區、互助合作、民主參與:社會經濟提倡社群間互助合作及團結精神,反對當下巿場經濟為追求大資本利益而犧牲社群生計,一方面復原經濟活動的社群元素,另一方面讓經濟活動呈現多元、開放及創造性;
三)  我們重視人與土地的各諧共生,創造共同永續富裕,實行多元化的社群所有制。


摘錄自: 香港社會經濟聯盟 (2013) <香港社會經濟>,《不一樣的香港社會經濟:超越資本主義社會的想像》,頁2-11,香港:商務印書館。

2014年4月19日 星期六

公共領域 (Public Sphere)

公共領域的概念是哈伯瑪斯(Jürgen Habermas)提出的,哈伯瑪斯認為要用絕對標準來衡量現代社會,什麼是真、善、美等等是很困難的。那我們能怎麼做?我們只能夠創造一個好的環境讓人對某些問題作對話。在對話的過程裡,儘量把身分地位拿開,只看彼此講話的內容與論據,不以人廢言。過程中要真誠平等的對話。他覺得現代社會這些很重要,因為沒有絕對標準,只能透過對話慢慢形成共識。如果對話沒法產生共識,才去投票,少數服從多數。對他來講民主不單是投票的過程,更重要的是投票之前,我們對問題有沒有更好的理解,用比較理性的態度去投票。

Public sphere (Öffentlichkeit)

Habermas argued that the essential characteristic of the Öffentlichkeit culture was its "critical" nature. Unlike "representational" culture where only one party was active and the other passive, the Öffentlichkeit culture was characterized by a dialogue as individuals either met in conversation, or exchanged views via the print media. Public sphere is a space for the development of a public-minded rational consensus.

參考資料 Reference:
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%BCrgen_Habermas
2. 陳健民,〈大學與公民兩地社會建設:中港兩地的經驗〉。江明修編(2011),《社會企業與公益創新:邁向公民社會》,頁34,台灣:airiti press

2014年4月17日 星期四



我們所談的公民社會究竟是什麼樣的公民社會?廣義來講很簡單,就是由公民組成的社會。在這樣的定義下,國家必須尊重公民的權力,反過來,公民也有必須實踐的責任和義務。比如排隊不要插隊等等,這是我們公民應有的美德。雖然我覺得這麼廣義已經很有意義了,但學者一般不會用這麼廣義的定義,學者關注的是公民美德的問題。一般來說,社會學家所定義的公民社會是由自主與多元開放的民間組織所構成的公共領域。通過這個領域,公民可進行對話、聯繫與合作促進公共利益,解決公共問題。這是屬於政府的架構以外的,所以我們說非政府組織,這是大家所理解的NGO。在此我想强調「多元開放」,也就是參加與不參加、離開或加入都是自由的、自願的。因此,在同樣的領域裡會有不同類型的團體; 同一類型的團體也很多互相競爭的。

摘錄自: 陳健民,〈大學與公民兩地社會建設:中港兩地的經驗〉。江明修編(2011),《社會企業與公益創新:邁向公民社會》,頁12-13,台灣:airiti press

2014年4月16日 星期三



摘錄自: 阮耀啟 (2008) 社會企業帶來甚麼轉變?青年研究學報,第十一卷,第一期(總第二十一號)

2014年4月15日 星期二


美國社會學家、2012年美國社會學會會長賴特(Erik Olin Wright),早在2006年就提出建設另類社會主義方案的指南針。他指出,資本主義社會過於依賴巿場力量來發展經濟,而國家社會主義又過於依靠國家力量調控生產與資源和成果分配,唯有一種新的經濟模式------社會經濟,才能建立社會力量,重新把資源配置、生產和再生產,把流通和勞動成果的權力交回勞動人民身上。



一)  注重合作及互惠互補:以互助合作的精神替代放任競爭;
二)  重視個體與集體:社會公益由人民議決而非專家所訂定,並凌駕利潤與資本累積;
三)  經濟公義與社會平等:運動的重點是要為終結各動社會及經濟不公義而進行抗爭;
四)  對生態及環境的保護:對大自然生態系統的敬畏與尊重,是運動其中一個着眼點:
五)  民主參與及持份者的民主管理:民主參與須落實於不同社會層次及經濟組織之中;
六)  多元發展及多樣性:相信發展並不是單一,而是可以有眾多不同的路徑,而這些路徑必須由人民作為主體以團結互助及民主參與的精神開創出來。

摘錄自: 潘毅、陳鳳儀 (2013) 社會經濟在香港-超越主流經濟的多元性實踐,載於《不一樣的香港社會經濟:超越資本主義社會的想像》第三章,89-90頁,商務印書館:香港。

2014年4月14日 星期一







Humanistic Conscience

Humanistic conscience is not the internalized voice of an authority whom we are eager to please and afraid of displeasing; it is our own voice, present in every human being and independent of external sanctions and rewards. What is the nature of this voice? Why do we hear it and why can we become deaf to it?

Humanistic conscience is the reaction of our total personality to its proper functioning or dysfunctioning; not a reaction to the functioning of this or that capacity but to the totality of capacities which constitute our human and our individual existence. Conscience judges our functioning as human beings; it is (as the root of the word con-scientia indicates) knowledge within oneself, knowledge of our respective success or failure in the art of living. But although conscience is knowledge, it is more than mere knowledge in the realm of abstract thought. It has an affective quality, for it is the reaction of our total personality and not only the reaction of our mind. In fact, we need not be aware of what our conscience says in order to be influenced by it.

Actions, thoughts, and feelings which are conducive to the proper functioning and unfolding of our total personality produce a feeling of inner approval, of “rightness,” characteristic of the humanistic “good conscience.” On the other hand, acts, thoughts, and feelings injurious to our total personality produce a feeling of uneasiness and discomfort, characteristic of the “guilty conscience.” Conscience is thus a re-action of ourselves to ourselves. It is the voice of our true selves which summons us back to ourselves, to live productively, to develop fully and harmoniously – that is, to become what we potentially are. It is the guardian of our integrity; it is the “ability to guarantee one’s self with all due pride, and also at the same time to say yes to one’s self.” If love can be defined as the affirmation of the potentialities and the care for, and the respect of, the uniqueness of the loved person, humanistic conscience can be justly called the voice of our loving care for ourselves.

Humanistic conscience represents not only the expression of our true selves; it contains also the essence of our moral experiences in life. In it we preserve the knowledge of our aim in life and of the principles through which to attain it; those principles which we have discovered ourselves as well as those we have learned from others and which we have found to be true.

Humanistic conscience is the expression of man’s self-interest and integrity, while authoritarian conscience is concerned with man’s obedience, self-sacrifice, duty, or his “social adjustment.” The goal of humanistic conscience is productiveness and, therefore, happiness, since happiness is the necessary concomitant of productive living. To cripple oneself by becoming a tool of others, no matter how dignified they are made to appear, to be “selfless,” unhappy, resigned, discouraged, is in opposition to the demands of one’s conscience; any violation of the integrity and proper functioning of our personality, with regard to thinking as well as acting, and even with regard to such matter as taste for food or sexual behaviour is acting against one’s conscience.

Erich Fromm (1947) Man for Himself: An Inquiry into the Psychology of Ethics. (p.162 - 163)

2014年4月13日 星期日

Fear of Disapproval

The fear of disapproval, though less dramatic than the irrational fear of death and of old age, is a hardly less significant expression of unconscious guilt feeling. Here also we find the irrational distortion of a normal attitude: man naturally wants to be accepted by his fellows; but modern man wants to be accepted by everybody and therefore is afraid to deviate, in thinking, feeling, and acting, from the cultural pattern. One reason among others for this irrational fear of disapproval is an unconscious guilt feeling. If man cannot approve of himself because he fails in the task of living productively, he has to substitute approval by others for approval by himself. This craving for approval can be fully understood only if we recognize it as a moral problem, as the expression of the all-pervasive though unconscious guilt feeling.

Erich Fromm (1947) Man for Himself: An Inquiry into the Psychology of Ethics, p.168.

2014年4月12日 星期六






撮錄自: 弗洛姆<<希望的革命>>

2014年4月11日 星期五

法治文化 - 法治信仰與善德





2014年4月10日 星期四

New Act of Birth

The fact that man’s birth is primarily a negative act, that of being thrown out of the original oneness with nature, that he cannot return to where he came from, implies that the process of birth is by no means an easy one. Each step into his new human existence is frightening. It always means to give up a secure state, which was relatively known, for one which is new, which one has not yet mastered. Undoubtedly, if the infant could think at the moment of the severance of the umbilical cord, he would experience the fear of dying. A loving fate protects us from this first panic. But at any new step, at any new stage of our birth, we are afraid again. We are never free from two conflicting tendencies: one to emerge from the womb, from the animal form of existence into a more human existence, from bondage to freedom; another, to return to the womb, to nature, to certainty and security. In the history of the individual, and of the race, the progressive tendency has proven to be stronger, yet the phenomenon of mental illness and the regression of the human race to positions apparently relinquished generations ago, show the intense struggle which accompanies each new act of birth

Erich Fromm (1956) The Sane Society.

2014年4月9日 星期三




換言之,法治是一種文明秩序,一種讓群居和政治生活變得合理文明的安排。這秩序不是表面的穩定和諧,而是一種建基於原則和價值的公共倫理秩序。法治秩序主要建基於理性(reason),講究邏輯、慎思明辨(critical thinking)。它以規則作為公共生活的規範,遵循程序,限制權力。規則程序的確立使得生活安排可預測,把任意妄為的權力行使機會減至最低,也使個人自由和權利得到最大的保障。這樣,人就可以自主地生活。法治講求公義,形式的(formal)、程序的(procedural)、實體的(substantive)。以此來解決人際的糾紛以及個人和群體之間的衡突。


摘錄自: 吳達明,〈人文法治的理想與教育〉,戴耀廷主編,《法治@教育》,(香港:次文化堂,2013),頁93-100